Osaka City Council Top Page
Osaka Overview
Osaka Overview > Osaka City Council > Authority of the City Council

The major areas under the City Council's jurisdiction are as follows:


The City Council decides on the action to be taken in relation to the enactment, amendment, and repeal of ordinances, budgetary decisions, approval of account settlements, matters of financial importance including acquisition and disposal of city assets, and others.


The City Council elects its President, Vice President and Chairs of the Standing Committees, and approves the Deputy Mayors and Treasurer, who are appointed by the Mayor.

Inspection/Examination and Audit Requests

The City Council has the authority to examine all documents, including financial records, as well as request reports and conduct inspections relating to the execution of city affairs. The City Council can also request an audit to be performed.

Council Recommendations

The City Council can make recommendations to related national government offices in regard to city affairs closely related to the public interest.


The City Council has the authority to independently conduct surveys with regard to city affairs, and demand the appearance and testimony of relevant people whenever necessary.

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