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Medical Care System for the Elderly Aged 75 and Over (後期高齢者医療制度)

[April 1, 2016]

Osaka City offers medical benefits to the elderly who are aged 75 or older registered in Basic Resident Register, reside in Osaka City (foreign nationals aged between 65 and 74 years old who were certified as having certain disabilities by the Wide Area Medical Confederation for Elderly People) and whose period of stay (permission) remains more than three months, or who are expected to stay in Japan for more than three months.

For more information, please inquire at the group in charge of the health insurance and pension programs at your local ward office.

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Social Welfare Bureau, Osaka City Hall, 1-3-20 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8201
Copyright (C) City of Osaka All rights reserved.