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Introducing places of interest and ancient ruins of Nishiyodogawa Ward

Photo: Famous Spots in Nishiyodogawa-ku (WardFamous Spots in Nishiiyodogawa Ward
 Onogawa Ryokuin Doro (Green Promenade)

 Naniwa Jitensha-do (a long-distance bicycle path covering 21.6km)

 Nishijima-gawa Jitensha Hokosha-do (bicycle and pedestrian path)

 Yagura Ryokuchi (Natural Araiso Beach)

 Tsukuda Fureai Park (Park from which the river wrapped in greenery can be seen)

Ward Monuments
 The Kashiwano Bridge and Nozato Ferry

 Nishinari Ohashi Bridge Newel Post Monument

 Owada-jo (Castle) Remains

 The Legend of Hogan Matsu (Pine tree called Hogan)

 Tsukuda Gyomin Yukari no Chi

 Nakajima Daisuido Historical Monument

 A Trace of the Bonze, Ikkyu

 Ten-jinja-ato-hi (Monument of the Former Ten Shrine)

 Otsuka-gire Kozui-hi (Monument of the Otsuka Breach at the time of Flooding)

 Shodai-Shinsaibashi/Shin-Chifunebashi-ato (Original Shinsaibashi Bridge/ Shin-Chifunebashi Bridge)

This is all the information on this page.