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1997 Piraeus (Hellenic Republic), 3rd conference - PIRAEUS DECLARATION

     As representatives of 22 cities we have gathered in the city of Piraeus on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of March, 1997 for the 3rd International Conference "AQUAPOLISES" with main theme "City and Water."
     This Conference is a continuation of the two previous meetings that have taken place in Osaka and Shanghai, with the theme: water and greenery for a better environment, the development and for upgrading the quality of life.


     During the Conference, we have exchanged scientific know-how centered on the following:
*Development and management of water resources
*Conservation and development of coastal zones and areas with greenery
*Relation of geotechnical research with seaside engineering work
*Prevention of flood damage to coastal habitable areas and recreation areas for tourists.
*Coastal area development projects.

     Discussion among the cities centered on the following topics:
*Exploitation, management and quality of water - present status and future prospects
*Development of coastal areas-problems and future prospects, harmony between water, greenery and urban area; environmental protection. Among special topics taken up during the discussion were:
*Future prospects of the global environment
*European environmental policies and cooperation in coastal area management

     We unanimously agreed on the following:
*There must be harmonious relationship among nature, society, and economic development. This must be taken into consideration in urban planning.
*In the framework of well-balanced development, natural resources must be conserved to a sufficient extent.
*Systematic engineering works and infrastructure development must contribute to environmental protection and control exploitation of natural sources, in such a way as to achieve sustainability in the 21st century


     The significance of international conferences focused on the above subjects was emphasized. This is because it is important to exchange technical know-how, and clarify areas requiring intervention by politicians or scientists.
     During the Conference a meeting of the Directorial cities took place to discuss the future of ICAP. The members of Directorial cities decided that the 4th ICAP will take place in Vienna in the year 2000.


     The City of Piraeus learned much during the international conference. It thanks all the representatives and specialists that attended the Conference.



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