The Birthplace of Saeki Yuzo   
   5, 2-chome, Nakatsu, Kita-ku, Kotokuji Temple
[ Nakatsu ] by Midosuji Line, about 200m to the north
 Saeki Yuzo, a famous painter of Osaka, was bone at Kotokuji temple in the 31st year of Meiji (1898).
 After he graduated from Tokyo Fine Arts School (now Tokyo National Univ. of fine Arts & Music), he went over to France with his family in the 13th year of Taisyo, where he opened up his own field influenced by famous artists.
 He painted many landscapes of Paris and produced brilliant achievements.
 But he suffered from illness and died when he was only 30 in the 3rd year of Syowa.
 His most important works are "Notre Dame de Paris", "The Postman" and others.


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