@ 1-chome, Shitennoji, Tennoji-ku
m Shitennojimae Yuhigaoka nby Tanimachi Line
 about 200m to the south
 The temple was founded in the first year of the Emperor Suiko(593) by Shotokutaishi in Naniwa and it is a distinguished temple in the era of Asuka.
 The arrangement of the buildings in which the Nandaimon(Great South Gate), Chumon(Central Gate), Pagoda, Kondo(Main Hall), and Kodo (Lecture Hall) stand together in a straight line is known as the gShitennoji Cathedral Styleh.
 According to the late investigation by excavation, the arrangement of those buildings remains almost the same from the time of its foundation.
 Although the temple often suffered disasters, the stone Torii at the west gate, which was the oldest building in the temple, was erected in the 2nd year of Einin(1294) and other buildings such as Honbo-hojo(Main Building used for a chief priest), Rokujido(the place for religious services conducted 6times in a day), that were erected in the 9th year of Genna(1623), survive natural and war disasters.
 The temple holds 6 national treasures including gSenmen Hokkekyo Sassih and many items of important properties.
 The gShoryoe Bugakuhoyoh which is the great ritual service conducted on the Ishibutai(the stone stage) takes place annually on the 22nd of April and is designated as an important incorporated cultural property.
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