Himejima Jinja
  14, 4-chome, Himejima, Nishiyodogawa-ku
[ Himejima ]by bus about 200m to the northwest
 The Gods Akaruhimeno-Mikoto and Sumiyoshi-Okami are enshrined in this shrine. Naniwa Yasoshima (so many islands) were drawn in the region of Naniwa (Osaka district) in an old map and there is an island called Himejima among them. The main object of worship (Akaruhimeno-Mikoto) is Goddess who came from Shiragi (Korea) and she passed on the work of weaving to the residents. It is said by an account of "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" that this shrine was built at the site of the island in the reign of Emperor Oujin (A.D. 4c-5c).


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