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Useful Information
List of telephone numbers
Emergency Consultation Center Osaka
List of Emergency Medical Care Center
What you need to know when emergencies strike
Osaka City > Osaka Municipal Fire Department > Useful Information(Emergency Consultation Center Osaka)
Emergency Consultation Center Osaka
Whenever you want to know of a hospital capable of giving you the treatment you require, although your condition does not warrant calling out an ambulance...
Whenever you believe your condition is an emergency, do not hesitate to make a 119 call for an ambulance. However, if you do not feel that your condition warrants calling out an ambulance, but would simply like to know of a hospital capable of treating you, please call the Emergency Consultation Center Osaka to inquire which medical facility is available and best suited to treating your particular case.
Emergency Consultation Center Osaka
List of Emergency Clinic
Facilities capable of giving medical treatment on holidays or during the nighttime

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