Ports & Harbors Bureau
Public Corporations
Jointly operated by the Osaka Prefectural and City Governments, the Osaka Ports and Harbors Bureau has established a range of complementary public corporations and subsidiary companies, to ensure the systematic and efficient use of facilities, while guaranteeing public accountability, as well as increased port prosperity through waterfront development in accordance with social and economic trends.
as of April 2023
1. The Osaka Port Terminal Co., Ltd.
City's Controlling Share:
Port Logistics and operation of the exclusive wharves for grain, coal, and iron and steel,
Major Facilities:
Osaka Silo ,Osaka Port Cargo Distribution Center.
Corporate History:
1951 (April) - Founded with 50% capital from the City
1995 (January) - Merged with Osaka Hokko Wharf Co., Ltd.
2001 (October) - Merged with Osaka Iron and Steel Wharf Co., Ltd.
2. Osaka Port Corporation
Cityʼs Controlling Share:
Encouragement of regional prosperity and development of international logistics through the
construction and maintenance of container terminals and domestic ferry terminals of the Port of Osaka and
lease of those facilities to the Kobe-Osaka International Port Corporation
Major Facilities:
Osaka Port Container Terminals, Osaka Nanko Ferry Terminal and Osaka Nanko Kamome
Ferry Terminal.
Corporate History:
1972 (January) - Founded as public corporation with 100% capital from the City
1981 (December) - Restructuring and renaming, (previously the Osaka Ferry Wharf Public
1982 (March) - Takeover of the Hanshin International Wharves Corporation.
2010 (October) -Converted to a joint-stock corporation
2014 (October) -Restructuring due to the foundation of Kobe-Osaka International Port Corporation
3. Osaka Port Transport System Co., Ltd
City’s Controlling Share:
Supporting the waterfront area's infrastructure through the administration of parking,
warehouses, and intermodal terminals.
Major Facilities:
Osaka Intermodal Terminal
Corporate History:
1974 (July) - Founded with 50% capital from the City
1989 (August) - Renaming (previously the Osaka Nanko Complex Terminal Co., Ltd.)
4. Kobe-Osaka International Port Corporation
Cityʼs Controlling Share:
Strengthening the international competitiveness of Hanshin Port by promoting effective port management
Major Facilities
Osaka Port Container Terminals in Yumeshima and Maishima, Osaka Nanko Ferry Terminal and Osaka Nanko Kamome Ferry Terminal
Web Page
Corporate History:
2014 (October) - Founded with 50% capital from the City, integrating Osaka Port Corporation and
Kobe Port Terminal Corporation through an infrastructure-operation separation scheme.
2014 (December) - Financed by the National Government
5. Sakai Semboku Wharf Co.,Ltd.
Osaka Prefecture’s Government Contolling Share:
Port operation and logistics operation in the port area of Osaka Prefectural Government.
Major Facilities:
Quay, Freight Handling Areas, Shed in Sukematsu, Shiomioki, Shiomi districts. Cargo Operation Machinery, Refrigerated Containers Power Outlet and Office of Freight Handling Areas in Sukematsu district. Sakai Fruit and Vegetable Center in Ohama Wharf of Sakai-Semboku Port.
Corporate History:
1973 (May) - Founded with 54.4% capital from the Osaka Prefectural Government
2001 (November) - Completed the Shed No.1 in Sukematsu district